
Types of EM radiation emitted by stars

Define radiation.

 Radiation is energy that travels and spreads out as it goes– visible light that comes from a lamp in your house and radio waves that come from a radio station are two types of electromagnetic radiation.

2. Give in order the types of radiation in the EM spectrum from lowest to highest energy. Other examples of EM radiation are radio,  microwaves,infrared and ultraviolet light, X-rays and gamma-rays.

3.Which types of EM radiation do stars emit? 

Stars emit radiation across the entire electromagnetic spectrum, but most average stars peak in the visible and near-infrared range.
Other radiation given off by stars include ultraviolet, radio, xrays.

4. The EM spectrum are similar in that they are all waves, but they differ in one thing.  In what way is a microwave different from a gamma wave? 

The difference is that the range each wave can travel.

5. Not all EM radiation can reach us from space.  Which types of EM radiation can reach us from space and which types cannot?  Why is this the case?


Electromagnetic radiation from space is unable to reach the surface of the Earth except at a very few wavelengths, such as the visible spectrum, radio frequencies, and some ultraviolet wavelengths. Astronomers can get above enough of the Earth’s atmosphere to observe at some infrared wavelengths from mountain tops or by flying their telescopes in an aircraft. Also because of the atmosphere 


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A Star is Born

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Hot Neighbour

* The sun is the closest star to earth and is small in size compared to other stars, like Cygnus


* The sun produces heat and light through the process nudear fusion.



* The sun releases massive amounts of particles and energy into space. This can be seen interfering with the Earth’s magnetic field in the North + South poles.



* Aurora australis produces beautiful patterns across the night sky because of the sun’s particles.





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Astronomy Terms


1AU= 150000000Km

AU= Astronomical unit

1LY=(.46×10^12km or 300000 m/s

LY=Light year


ght year



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Natural Selection and Biodiversity

  1. How did Lamarck’s views on natural selection differ from Darwin?Lamarck said that if you use something enough times that it will be passed down to the next generation, Darwin believes that an organism traits  will pass down to the next generation.
  2. How is artificial selection different from natural selection?Natural selection is when genes are passed on naturally through animal intercourse. Artificial selection is when they are passed on unnaturally through human intervention examples would be breeding and artificial insemination
  3. What is biodiversity and how have we maintained it?Biodiversity is the different species and genes that occupy certain environments. For example, a desert and a rainforest would have a vast range of organisms became the two environments are so different, in temperature and landscape. For this reason its gene pool would be different. A gene pool is the genetic information available in a community.
  4. What are some threats to biodiversity?

    Habitat loss, degradation, Fragmentation and De-forristation.

  5. What are some advantages to humans in maintaining biodiversity?ensure the production of food, fibre, fuel, fodder

    maintain other ecosystem services

    allow adaptation to changing conditions – including climate change

    and sustain rural peoples’ livelihoods

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Balloon Universe


The further away a galaxy is from earth (x) the faster the galaxy expands away from us

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How it all began?


The big band theory and the big bang song a similar in the way they talk about Galaxies: “As every galaxy was formed in less time than it takes to sing this song.”

The big band theory and the big bang song a similar in the way they talk about Expand: “The big band theory and the big bang song a similar in the way they talk about”

The big band theory and the big bang song a similar in the way they talk about years: “Then nearly fourteen billion years ago expansion started.”





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Your thoughts 

Your thoughts…Who knows what we will discover in the next 50 years? I personally think that the world will have far more technology and most things will be computerised.

Give FIVE changes/discoveries that will take place over the next 50 years… 2062. 

1. Hover cars 2. Everything computerised 3. Curers to certain diseases 4. space travel to everyone 

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Discoveries through the years

  1. The Universe is predicted to be how many years old? 13-14 billion years old.
  2. The Earth is predicted to be how many billion years old? 13-14 billion years old.
  3. First life began on Earth how many billion years ago? 1000 million years old
  4. Humans as we know them have been around for just over how many million years? 15-20 million years
  5. The correct model of Earth, Planets and Sun was discovered how many years ago?

    The discovery that the world wasn’t flat happened how many years ago? 2000 years ago

  6. The realisations that there are galaxies beyond our own Milky way occurred how many years ago? 100000–120000 light-years
  7. The discoveries of Plate Tectonics and DNA occurred how many years ago? About 200 million years ago
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My mindmap

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