Natural Selection and Biodiversity

  1. How did Lamarck’s views on natural selection differ from Darwin?Lamarck said that if you use something enough times that it will be passed down to the next generation, Darwin believes that an organism traits  will pass down to the next generation.
  2. How is artificial selection different from natural selection?Natural selection is when genes are passed on naturally through animal intercourse. Artificial selection is when they are passed on unnaturally through human intervention examples would be breeding and artificial insemination
  3. What is biodiversity and how have we maintained it?Biodiversity is the different species and genes that occupy certain environments. For example, a desert and a rainforest would have a vast range of organisms became the two environments are so different, in temperature and landscape. For this reason its gene pool would be different. A gene pool is the genetic information available in a community.
  4. What are some threats to biodiversity?

    Habitat loss, degradation, Fragmentation and De-forristation.

  5. What are some advantages to humans in maintaining biodiversity?ensure the production of food, fibre, fuel, fodder

    maintain other ecosystem services

    allow adaptation to changing conditions – including climate change

    and sustain rural peoples’ livelihoods

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